Wednesday 23 December 2015

The Tree Hunt

Tree Hunt | Holiday Card (unfolded, front and back showing)

This is the front and back of a new Christmas card depicting Santa with an axe and Jesus with a bow saw accompanying a group of elves and woodland creatures on a search to find this year's special tree. Among my favourite details in this piece is the pine cone hanging from Santa's hat and the thoughtful lamb carrying mittens. This is the fourth instalment in my Santa Clause Parade series.
Tree Hunt | Holiday Card | Detail (front and back, stacked) 
Tree Hunt |  Personal Work 
Tree Hunt | Cards

Each folded card measures about 4.5x6.25"(31cm x 11cm unfolded)
Cards are available. Email me at, or 
Subject: Tree Hunt Cards
5 cards for $20+shipping. Blue envelopes are included.
The broken white line does not appear on the printed cards. Just here as a guide to show where the card is folded.